Saturday, February 29, 2020

Absolute Moral Rules - 1954 Words | Bartleby

padding-top-2"> Absolute Moral Rules One may believe that an absolute rule against killing humans is essential because killing is always evil and inhumane. Others believe that there are great exceptions to killing humans, such as self-defense, that need to be taken into account when making an absolute rule about killing humans. If someone tries to kill your family member or tries to kill you, should you stand there and die because you do not want to violate the absolute rule, even if your reason behind breaking the rule brings about more happiness and outweighs the consequences of breaking the rule? Immanuel Kant believes that good will, what he sees to be the ultimate intrinsic good, along with following the categorical imperative determine whether show more content Kant argues that the right action is one that follows the categorical imperative, in this case, abiding by the moral rule not to kill anyone. Kant believes that no matter the circumstance, if humans violate the categorical imperative, and there are bad consequences, they are responsible for these consequences. If humans act under the categorical imperative and there are still bad consequences, they are not responsible because they abide by their duty- to follow the exceptionless moral rule. The only way to violate the moral rule is if the individual breaking the rule creates a new maxim, in which, for instance, it is always permissible to kill under self-defense. The issue with this new absolute rule is that by saying humans can kill in self-defense are the intentions of the humans good-willed or are their intentions faulty? Also, is killing under self-defense really going to bring about a new universal maxim in which everyone can kill under self-defen se, no matter the circumstance? It would be impossible to create this self-defense universal maim because creating this new maxim would just bring about new exceptions within that rule. Utilitarians, on the other hand, go against Kant’s idea that there should be absolute moral rules. They believe that moral rules should be followed if the consequence for one’s action brings about the most happiness and the least amount of pain. In Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill The War Of The World War I - 1593 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> An advocate can be defined as a person who pleads on another’s behalf. Advocates are important in today 's society as they provide representation for the disadvantaged and foster a sense of hope for change in the world. During his life Wilfred Owen, the famous war poet, lived under many titles: he was a son, a brother, a student, a teacher, a fighter, an inpatient, a war poet and most importantly, an advocate. This essay addresses his most eminent poems, contrasting the ways in which war was promoted versus the true reality of war, as well as the ways in which Owen gave a voice to the men dying in futile war. Volunteer recruitment and conscription for World War 1 began in 1914 and continued until 1918, when World War 1 came to an end. Historically, war was portrayed as being heroic, and in some senses, adventurous. Boys as young as 16 falsified their age in order to fight, 18 year old men joined with parental permission, and 21 year old men joined on their own terms. Word of mouth, pressure from society, as well as Australian war promotion slogans such as â€Å"Boys, come over here, you’re wanted!† and "Get into khaki, we’re doing our bit!† acted as bait to lure young men into battle. The naive, selfless nature of these young fighters was constantly taken advantage of. They were not told about the trenches, the lack of food, the bone chilling cold, the shrapnel, the shell-shock or the dull ache of missing loved ones that would be ever-present in their chests. Owen, like many

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Has British aid policy over the past 20 years been effective Essay

Has British aid policy over the past 20 years been effective - Essay Example This has been one of the biggest move in the recent years that has ended with U.K. meeting the pledge to give 0.7% of its GNP as donor aid. In the latest development in the policy dubbed the UK AID Match scheme, the public is given a chance to give their opinion on a portion of the international development budget is to be used (Department of International Development, 2015). The scheme is aimed at helping alleviate poverty in the developing countries. In the three years that the scheme is supposed to be running, the United Kingdom is to award a whopping  £120 million to selected developing countries in two funding rounds per year. This has been seen as the most significant turn in the aid policy in the recent years. This paper will therefore try to address the effectiveness of the aid policy in the past 20 years and its effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate. Aid is justified on moral and national interests of the country. This is according to the British Prime Minister David Cameron and international development minister Justine Greening. Therefore, the developments that are made as far as the aid policy is involved are meant to make a point in the international scene (The Guardian, 2013). The periods of economic hardships that have hit the world in the recent past also affected the UK aid policy with little money being set aside for the kit. Africa and other struggling countries such as Syria have been the recipients in the British aid policy. British is obligated to make significant contributions to various programs which include the ones in the European Union. More funding was done to the many civil societies in Africa (Hearn, n.d.). The UK’s total aid program has been the major factor in determining the foreign aid that will be given to countries rather than basing that as an obligation as it has been done in the recent years. The

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Management info Systems individual Work WK4 Essay

Management info Systems individual Work WK4 - Essay Example The major challenge in keeping cyber-crime in check is the rate at which technology is advancing with each passing day. New cyber threats are formulated on a regular basis making it difficult to suppress cyber-crime. Crimes vary depending on the purpose of the cyber-criminal. The crimes can be directed to computers and other machines to manipulate, destroy or reconfigure them. The crimes can also be fuelled by financial greed whereby fraud comes in play and the hacking of financial institutions. The crimes can also target individuals with the aim of destroying their reputation or even blackmailing them. Cyber criminals can use various technology tools. Such tools include the internet, social media and wireless networks. Such tools are meant to help the general public in their day to day activities but can be manipulated by cyber criminals for their benefit. The cyber criminals are good at what they do and sometimes leave no traces at all making it difficult to know their real identities. Some even form organizations and advertize their prowess to willing buyers of their services. They even use these technology tools to leak information about someone. The internet as we know it is a basic tool for many computer users. Many transactions, monetary or otherwise, go through the internet each day. Millions of downloads also take place on the internet on a daily basis. This technology tool connects people around the world, turning it into a small virtual village. The internet connects people through emails and communication of information through search engines such as Google among others. This vital tool can be used against its users to commit cybercrime. This usually happens where attackers use the internet to connect to their targets and can thus get or download the necessary information they need from the victims’ computers. The internet connects computers, and